Introduction to the Ontology Search Tool


The Ontology Search tool is a powerful, browser-based tool that facilitates searching for and analyzing genes, miRNAs, diseases, and drugs in the BKL using various curated and calculated properties. Researchers have the option to search for genes, miRNAs, diseases, or drugs using simple or complex biological criteria, as well as to analyze custom lists of genes using the comprehensive annotation provided in the BKL. The Ontology Search tool is accessible from the search menu, shown below, by clicking the "Ontology Search" link. Alternatively, users may use the "Upload a list of genes or proteins in bulk" option in the main search to input a gene set for analysis, then importing the list of uploaded genes into the Ontology Search tool by clicking the Ontology link at the top of the search results.

Ontology menu

Ontology Search menu

System Requirements

Ontology Search Tool system requirements are described in detail here.

Components of the Ontology Search Tool

Components of the Ontology Search Tool are described here

Searching Properties with the Ontology Search Tool

Detailed information about using the Ontology Search tool is provided here, with hyperlinks to search examples. Instructions for exporting search results or queries used in searches are provided here.

Viewing Search Results Using the Ontology Search tool

Detailed information about viewing information obtained from searches using the Ontology Search tool are provided here.


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