Pathway/Chain Report
Pathway/Chain Reports contain details about pathways and chains
involved in signaling. Pathways reflect canonical pathways
for specific signaling molecules (mostly ligands or receptors) and
are made up of one or more chains. Chains are sets of
consequent reactions; in other words, the reactions contain common
molecules. For a detailed explantion of pathways and chains, click
Each Pathway Report is similarly organized and comprises
different blocks for properties curated and references cited in the
Report. Other BKL Reports mentioned in the Pathway Report are
hyperlinked to the corresponding Reports. For example, individual
reactions that comprise the pathway are listed on the Pathway
Report, with links to their corresponding Reaction Reports.
Pathway Reports may be accessed through the BKL Tools or through hyperlinks
on BKL reports. A visualization of the signaling pathways is
accessible in the BKL
Pathfinder. The pathway views can be customized, enabling
expansion at any point of interest. These pathway representations
have their counterparts in the hand-drawn pathway maps, which are interactive and contain more
condensed information but are static.
Anatomy of a Pathway/Chain Report
The general structure of a Pathway/Chain Report is described
below. Since the format is slightly different for a chain versus a
pathway, examples of both are provided. The first image shows an
example of a Chain, and the second shows an
example of a Pathway. For details about
chains and pathways, click here.
- Access help by clicking the help menu
and clicking the Drug report help link.
- Navigate to the desired section of the report by opening the
table of contents

Points of navigation within the report are indicated by the
following visual cues.
- Links to additional reports within the BKL are presented as
regular text links.
- Links to external resources are indicated by a blue bubble,
such as the PubMedID link shown here:
- Links to display additional text within the page are indicated
by a yellow bubble, such as the show abstract link shown
- Links providing an option to send data to another tool within
the BKL are indicated by a gray bubble, such as the Pathfinder link
shown here:
Anatomy of a Chain Report
Chains consist of multiple reactions and are assembled to build
pathways. In the Chain Report, each reaction
and molecule are listed, and the pathway assembled from the chain
is indicated.
Pathway Information |
Describes the characteristics of the chain. |
Type |
Identifies whether report describes a chain or a pathway. If the
sequence of reactions that comprise the chain has been reported by
one primary paper, the chain is labelled as an evidence chain.
Chains that comprise metabolic pathway steps are labelled metabolic
chains. Click here for more
details about chains. |
Pathways |
Indicates the pathway the chain is associated with, with hyperlinks
to the corresponding Pathway Report. |
Reactions |
Identifies the reactions associated with the chain, with hyperlinks
to the corresponding Reaction
Reports. Also identifies the effect of the reaction. For
information about effects, click here. The reactions are displayed in a
cascade view of all reactions the pathway/chain consists of. The
level of indentation and the gray lines indicate subsequent
reactions. Square brackets and italic reaction names depict the
second occurrence of a reaction in a cascade. When the mouse
pointer is moved over a reaction, its precursor reactions are
highlighted in red. |
Molecules |
Lists the molecules associated with the chain, with hyperlinks to
the corresponding Locus, Family, Complex, or Small Molecule Reports. Click
[show] to display the molecules and
[hide] (not displayed here) to
remove molecules from view. |
Annotations |
Displays free-text annotations added by curators to provide
additional details about the chain. |
This block displays comments from the curator, regarding particular
function, mechanisms...etc., separated by topic. For a list of
topics covered in Annotations, click here. |
References |
Displays list of references cited in the Pathway/Chain Report. |
This block gives the full citations, with titles, that correspond
to the PubMed identifiers displayed. When a PubMed identifier is
not available, the Medline identifier is displayed. When neither a
PubMed nor Medline identifier is available, a BIOBASE-specific
number is assigned preceded by a "P". Nearly all of the reference
numbers are hyperlinked to the Entrez database where the abstracts
may be read. All references cited in the annotations and properties
section are listed, and other references known to contain
information about the protein may also be listed. The first five
references are shown, click [ more ...] to view all references, and
view abstracts via webservice, by additionally clicking the [+]
which appears. |
Anatomy of a Pathway Report
Pathways consist of multiple chains of reactions. In the Pathway
Report, each chain is listed, with its corresponding reactions and
Pathway Information |
Describes the characteristics of the pathway. |
Type |
Identifies whether report describes a chain or a pathway. |
Chain |
Lists all chains associated with the pathway, with hyperlinks to
the corresponding Chain Report. |
Reactions |
Identifies the reactions associated with the particular chain in
the pathway, with hyperlinks to the corresponding Reaction Reports. Also identifies the
effect of the reaction. For information about effects, click
here. The reactions are displayed in
a cascade view of all reactions the pathway/chain consists of. The
level of indentation and the gray lines indicate subsequent
reactions. Square brackets and italic reaction names depict the
second occurrence of a reaction in a cascade. When the mouse
pointer is moved over a reaction, its precursor reactions are
highlighted in red. |
Molecules |
Lists the molecules associated with the particular chain in the
pathway, with hyperlinks to the corresponding Locus, Family, Complex, or Small Molecule Reports. Click
[show] to display the molecules and
[hide] (not displayed here) to
remove molecules from view. |
Annotations |
Displays free-text annotations added by curators to provide
additional details about the pathway. |
This block displays comments from the curator, regarding particular
function, mechanisms...etc., separated by topic. For a list of
topics covered in Annotations, click here. |
References |
Displays list of references cited in the Pathway/Chain Report. |
This block gives the full citations, with titles, that correspond
to the PubMed identifiers displayed. When a PubMed identifier is
not available, the Medline identifier is displayed. When neither a
PubMed nor Medline identifier is available, a BIOBASE-specific
number is assigned preceded by a "P". Nearly all of the reference
numbers are hyperlinked to the Entrez database where the abstracts
may be read. All references cited in the annotations and properties
section are listed, and other references known to contain
information about the protein may also be listed. The first five
references are shown, click [ more ...] to view all references.
View abstracts via webservice, by additionally clicking the [+]
which appears. |