ChIP Experiment Report

ChIP experiment reports contain detailed information and formatted data derived from ChIP-ChIP and ChIP-seq experiments. Reports are accessed by clicking the "View Report" button for the desired experiment listed on the "Browse by ChIP-chip and ChIP-seq experiments" link under the transcription factors search option.

For more information about the ChIP-chip and ChIP-seq experiments included in TRANSFAC, click here.

Anatomy of a ChIP Experiment Report

The general structure of a ChIP Experiment Report is described below.

  • Access help by clicking the help menu  help  and clicking the ChIP experiment report help link.

  • Navigate to the desired section of the report by opening the table of contents  toc

Points of navigation within the report are indicated by the following visual cues.

  • Links to additional reports within the BKL are presented as regular text links.

  • Links to external resources are indicated by a blue bubble, such as the PubMedID link shown here:  external link  .

  • Links to send data to another tool within the BKL are indicated by a gray bubble, such as the Pathfinder link shown here:  expand content  .
  • Links providing an option to download content are indicated by a green bubble, such as the FASTA link shown here:  download content  .

Author Summary Provides a summary of the study from the PubMed article, or indicates the data comes from the ENCODE project. help

Experimental Details Provides a summary of the experimental details of the study.  
Binding factor
Lists the binding factor studied in the experiment which is hyperlinked to the relevant Locus Report.
Consensus binding sequence for the factor
TRANSFAC's consensus binding sequence for the factor studied in the experiment is provided when available (this is the matrix which is used for Match analysis of the fragments when available). The Profiles button can be used to save the profile directly for use with the Match algorithm for prediction of additional transcription factor binding sites.
Details of the experiment which identified binding by the factor
Provides additional details regarding the experimental method employed and the tissue source used in the experiment, when available.

Data Prepared for Further Analysis Provides prepared data for export, for use by tools within the BKL or for with 3rd party tools.  
Sequenced fragments
Complete fragments
Selecting "Complete fragments" followed by clicking the FASTA button allows the user to export the complete fragment sequences. Alternatively, clicking the .BED button allows the user to export the same sequences as genomic coordinates. The reference genomes supported are hg38, mm10 and rn6.

>PR000007623|HIF-1alpha|human, Homo sapiens|MCF-7| reference(s):
>Mole, D. R. et al.; J Biol Chem; 284, 16767-16775 (2009); PMID:19386601
>binding fragments:



1. Accession number for the binding fragment (s. ChIP Fragment Report:
2. Genome build
3. Chromosome number
4. Start position
5. End position
6. Gene symbol(s) of gene(s) located in the vicinity based on a 150 kb window

Predicted best binding sites within the fragments
Selecting "Predicted best binding sites within the fragments" followed by clicking the FASTA button allows the user to export the portion of the fragment sequence that most likely represents the binding site, as predicted by the Match algorithm (with the consensus/matrix displayed in the section above), for those fragments for which the information is available.

>PR000007623|HIF-1alpha|human, Homo sapiens|MCF-7|matrix: V$HIF1_Q3|reference(s):
>Mole, D. R. et al.; J Biol Chem; 284, 16767-16775 (2009); PMID:19386601
>predicted binding sites in ChIP fragments:



1. Accession number for the binding fragment (s. ChIP Fragment Report:
2. Genome build
3. Chromosome number
4. Start position (of the best scoring site, based on the consensus for the respective factor, within the fragment)
5. End position (of the best scoring site, based on the consensus for the respective factor, within the fragment)
6. Core similarity score (CSS) for the best scoring site, based on the consensus for the respective factor, within the fragment
7. Matrix similarity score (MSS) for the best scoring site, based on the consensus for the respective factor, within the fragment
8. Gene symbol(s) of gene(s) located in the vicinity based on a 150 kb window
Genes located near sequenced fragments
150,000 bp of sequenced fragments
Focuses on genes that fall within 150,000 bp of the sequenced fragments. Clicking the export button allows the user to export a tab-delimited list of genes for further analysis or use in 3rd party tools.

>PR000007623|HIF-1alpha|Homo sapiens|| binding fragments associated Genes:


Gene symbol(s) of gene(s) located in the vicinity of the binding fragments based on a 150 kb window

Please note:
Genes have been associated with the DNA fragments based solely on their proximity. To provide information about the closely located genes, we mapped DNA fragments on the genomic sequence and then looked for annotated transcription start sites (TSS) and exons within a window of 150 kb on both sides of the fragment. The TSS or exon closest to each end of the DNA fragment was selected, and the respective gene was assigned to the fragment as "nearest gene". This procedure resulted in the association of one, two, or zero gene(s) with each fragment.
10,000 bp of sequenced fragments
Focuses on genes that fall within 10,000 bp of the sequenced fragments. Clicking the export button allows the user to export a tab-delimited list of genes for further analysis or use in 3rd party tools.
Please note:
The 10,000 bp option is only available for experiments using human genes.

Genes have been associated with the DNA fragments based solely on their proximity. To provide information about the closely located genes, we mapped DNA fragments on the genomic sequence and then looked for annotated transcription start sites (TSS) and exons within a window of 10,000 bp on both sides of the fragment. The TSS or exon closest to each end of the DNA fragment was selected, and the respective gene was assigned to the fragment as "nearest gene". This procedure resulted in the association of one, two, or zero gene(s) with each fragment.
Specified bp of sequenced fragments
Focuses on genes that fall within the distance of sequenced fragments specified by the user. Clicking the export button allows the user to export a tab-delimited list of genes for further analysis or use in 3rd party tools.
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