Browse TFBS of DNase ChIP experiments
The tools menu has two options that allow to browse and select either transcription factor binding site (TFBS) ChIP or DNase hypersensitivity ChIP experiments.

Access to ChIP experiment browse pages via the Tools menu
Browse TFBS ChIP data sets
For each factor, the number of ChIP-chip/-Seq fragments contained in the database is presented, with information on genome and chromosomes of origin, cell source and reference links. ChIP-chip/-Seq fragments for one and the same factor, but derived from different experiments (different cell sources or treatments) are listed separately.
Hyperlinks allow users to access the Locus Report of the corresponding transcription factor or the reference associated with the ChIP-chip/-Seq data.
For a complete overview of the ChIP experiments, as well as access to formatted data for export, click the View Report button for the desired experiment.
The genomic coordinates of each data set can be downloaded in .bed file format using the green BED buttons.

Browse by ChIP-chip and ChIP-seq experiments
Learn more about ChIP experiment reports here.
Browse DNase hypersensitivity ChIP data sets
Similar as the TFBS ChIP data sets, DNase hypersensitivity experiments can be browsed by the cell/tissue type they were conducted in. The number of fragments per data set as well as reference links are displayed.
The genomic coordinates of each data set can be downloaded in .bed file format using the green BED buttons.

Browse by ChIP-chip and ChIP-seq experiments
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