Drug Report


Drug Reports contain information about drug entities, including small molecules, biotech, nutraceuticals, and experimental drugs, from DrugBank, along with information on their targets and associated pathways.

Please note: BKL subscribers who have licensed the PROTEOME and PGMD modules will see the full complement of information available in a Drug Report. BKL subscribers who have licensed only part of the BKL will see subsets of information, depending on the subscription. The combined Drug Report for subscribers of the complete BIOBASE Knowledge Library is described below.

Each Drug Report is similarly organized and comprises different blocks for properties and references cited in the Report. Other BKL Reports mentioned in the Drug Report are hyperlinked to the corresponding Reports. For example, pathways which contain either therapeutic targets or enzymes which metabolize the drug are listed, with links to their corresponding Pathway Reports.

Drug Reports may be accessed through the Drug Quick Search, Drug Advanced search or through hyperlinks on BKL reports.

Anatomy of a Drug Report

The general structure of a Drug Report is described below.

  • Access help by clicking the help menu  help  and clicking the Drug report help link.

  • Navigate to the desired section of the report by opening the table of contents  toc

Points of navigation within the report are indicated by the following visual cues.

  • Links to additional reports within the BKL are presented as regular text links.

  • Links to external resources are indicated by a blue bubble, such as the PubMedID link shown here:  external link  .

  • Links to display additional text within the page are indicated by a yellow bubble, such as the show abstract link shown here:  expand content  .
  • Links providing an option to send data to another tool within the BKL are indicated by a gray bubble, such as the Pathfinder link shown here:  download content  .

Introduction Displays additional names for the drug. help
Lists alternate names for the drug.
Brand names
Lists brand names for the drug.

Drug Targets and Associated Pathways Displays drug targets and their associated pathways. Click [hide] to remove curation from view and [show] (not displayed here) to return curation to view.
Proteins targeted by the drug
Identifies gene or protein targets of the drug and the associated pathways and chains in which the targets function, with hyperlinks to the corresponding Pathway/Chain Reports. Also hyperlinks to the BKL Pathfinder view of the pathway or chain, through the gray pathfinder link. In cases where a manually-drawn pathway map is available for the associated pathway, the [View graphical representation] link take you to the hand drawn map. Click here for details about pathways and chains described in the Proteome module.

Metabolizing Enzymes and
Associated Pathways
Displays enzymes which metabolize the drug and their associated pathways.  
Proteins that metabolize the drug
Identifies enzymes which metabolize the drug and the associated pathways and chains in which the enzymes function, with hyperlinks to the corresponding Pathway/Chain Reports. Also hyperlinks to the BKL Pathfinder view of the pathway or chain, through the gray Pathfinder link. In cases where a manually-drawn pathway map is available for the associated pathway, the [View graphical representation] link take you to the hand drawn map. Click here for details about pathways and chains described in the Proteome Module.

FDA Drug Label When available, this section displays the FDA label for the drug of the page with pharmacogenomic indicators highlighted.  

Pharmacogenomic Variants This section lists the pharmacogenomic variants that have been identified as being significantly associated with an altered phenotypic response to the drug of the page.  
Specifies the Ensembl gene or genes that a variant overlaps, linked to the corresponding Locus Report(s). If a site is intergenic, this field will contain the 4 nearest Ensembl genes (5' and 3' on the positive and negative strands, and a signed distance from each gene).
Describes either the amino acid change for the variation, or nucleotide change, conforming to HGVS nomenclature standards. Entries are linked to the corresponding Variant Report.
When available, specifies the dbSNP accession.
Describes the impact of genetic variation on drug response.
Study disease
Specifies the disease that was the focus of the study, linked to the corresponding Disease Report.
When available, links to a HGMD mutation report that describes the same site of variation.
PubMed reference number, which specifies the source from which the information is captured.
Named variant
For star (*) alleles, genotypes are represented with gene names followed by allele description e.g. CYP2C9*1/CYP2C9*1.
Sample source
Describes the original source from which sample was genotyped.

Clinical Trials Displays a tabular summary of clinical trials for which the drug is under investigation. All data is taken from ClinicalTrials.gov, then mapped to BKL disease and drug entities using text-based strategies. For an entry to appear in the BKL, the text within the ClinicalTrials.gov Condition field must match a name or synonym of a BKL disease and the text within the Intervention field must be of type "Drug" and must match a name or synonym of a BKL drug. The first five entries are shown, additional entries can be viewed by clicking the [more �] link. Entries may be sorted by clicking on the column headers.  
Lists the BKL disease entity that has been mapped to the ClinicalTrials.gov Intervention field. The corresponding BKL Disease Report is accessed by clicking the entry.
Lists the phase of the clinical trial.
Study Title
Lists the title of the clinical trial. Mousing over the information icon displays an overview of the trial. Click the link provided to view the full entry for the trial at the clinicaltrials.gov site.
Lists the status of the clinical trial.
Start Date
Lists the start date of the clinical trial.
End Date
Lists the end date of the clinical trial.

Toxicity Bioassays Tested Displays a tabular summary of toxicity bioassays that have been investigated for the drug of the page as reported by the FDA and published in the following reference:

Matthews, E.J., Kruhlak, N.L., Cimino, M.C., Benz, R.D., and Contrera, J.F. An Analysis of Genetic Toxicity, Reproductive and Developmental Toxicity, and Carcinogenicity Data: I. Identification of Carcinogens Using Surrogate Endpoints. Regulatory and Toxicology and Pharmacology, 2006.

The first five entries are shown, additional entries can be viewed by clicking the [more �] link. Entries may be sorted by clicking on the column headers.
Toxicity endpoint
Name and/or description of the bioassay as reported in the reference above.
Toxicity category
All bioassays are grouped into one of three categories (Carcinogenicity, Genetic toxicity, or Reproductive and developmental toxicity) as specified in the reference above.

Drug Characteristics
Displays characteristics of the drug as reported in DrugBank and/or ChEMBL.  
FDA status
Describes current drug status (e.g. approved, experimental)
Disease indication
Describes diseases that the drug is used to treat.
Describes therapeutic or general drug category (e.g. anticholesteremic agents)
Describes clinical or pharmacological manner in which the drug works
Mechanism of action
Describes molecular manner in which the drug works or what it binds
Describes lethal dose (LD50) in test animals, and side effects and toxic effects in humans
Describes quantity or how easily drug is taken up by body
Describes mechanism or organ location of drug neutralization
Describes half-life in body (hours or days)

Identifiers Displays BIOBASE accession numbers, DrugBank, and PubChem IDs  
BIOBASE accession
Displays the BIOBASE accession number.
Displays the ChEMBL ID.
Displays the DrugBank ID.
Displays the PubChem ID.

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