Introduction to TRANSCompel

TRANSCompel is a component of TRANSFAC Suite and presents information about composite regulatory elements. For a review of composite elements, click here.

Briefly, a composite element is the minimal functional unit within which both protein-DNA and protein-protein interactions contribute to a highly specific pattern of transcriptional regulation (Kel et al., 1995). Transcription factors that interact in a particular composite element can antagonize each other or have a synergistic effect. In addition, the cooperating transcription factors can be from different classes with respect to the structure of their protein domains. For example, some may contain DNA-binding domains, and others may contain activation domains. Finally, transcription factors in particular composite elements may differ in their functional properties, displaying different inducibilities and cell-type specificities. Thus, composite elements contribute to one of the fundamental principles of genome functioning -- the combinatorial nature of gene transcriptional regulation.

A Brief History of TRANSCompel
TRANSCompel originates from COMPEL (Kel-Margoulis et al., 2000), which was developed in a joint effort by the Institute of Cytology and Genetics in Novosibirsk, Russia, and GBF, Gesellschaft fuer Biotechnologische Forschung mbH (German Research Centre for Biotechnology GmbH) in Braunschweig, Germany. Financial support for the development of COMPEL was provided by the Russian and German Research Ministries, SB RAS, and from NATO until the end of 1997. In 1998, the BIOBASE GmbH provided financial support for updates to the database. COMPEL has been registered in the Federal Institute of Industrial Ownership of the Rospatent (Moscow, Russia) as a joint property of the ICG, Russia and GBF, Braunschweig, Germany. Since August of 2000, BIOBASE has held distribution rights for the database as TRANSCompel, and BIOBASE provides updates to the database.

TRANSCompel comprises individual Composite Element (Compel) Reports and Evidence Reports that contain detailed information about the transcription factors that comprise them, the binding sites for the factors, and the experimental evidence for the composite elements. Click here for information about the structure of Compel Reports. Click here for information about the structure of Evidence Reports.

Please note: TRANSFAC, TRANSPRO, TRANSCompel, and PathoDB are offered as a single product, TRANSFAC Suite, but are described separately because some of their features are unique to the particular database.

Other Important Features of TRANSCompel

Other important features of TRANSCompel are described below, and links to detailed information about these features are provided.

Functional Classification of Composite Elements

TRANSCompel composite elements have been classified based on their function. Details about this classification are provided here.

Functional Analysis of Composite Elements

Composite Elements in TRANSCompel have been analyzed functionally to confirm interactions between the transcription factors within composite elements. Details about how the functions of composite elements were analyzed are provided here.

Additional Information about TRANSCompel

Additional information about TRANSCompel is provided below, with links to details.

Citing TRANSCompel

Instructions for citing TRANSCompel are provided here.

Printing TRANSCompel Reports

Instructions for printing TRANSCompel Reports are provided here.

TRANSCompel Publications

A list of publications about TRANSCompel is provided here.


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