Introduction to the PathFinder


The PathFinder is a tool for viewing and extending regulatory and metabolic pathways and networks. Molecules, Genes, and Reactions can be added to a PathFinder diagram, and the display of their interactions can be manipulated using PathFinder tools. The new PathFinder version (BKL release 2021.1) provides a default layout detailing the location of molecules in the main intracellular compartments. Designed as a specialized PathFinder perspective in the broader geneXplain bioinformatics platform, it supports product integration and provides the possibility to extend data analysis with a vast set of systems biology applications and workflows.

System Requirements

PathFinder system requirements are shown here.

Components of the PathFinder

The components of the PathFinder are described here.

Legend of PathFinder symbols

The symbols used by the PathFinder are displayed in detail here.


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