Examples of Reaction Syntax in TRANSPATH

In general, reaction names contain symbols that connect the incoming and outgoing molecules in the reaction and indicate the reaction type, as shown in the following table:

TRANSPATH Reaction Syntax

Connecting Symbol Reaction Type
<==> Equilibrium reaction (complex formation and dissocation)
--E--> Mass flow catalyzed by enzyme
E--> Semantic activation or unidirectional mechanistic steop
--/ Semantic inhibition

The stoichiometry is used like this: 2 A --> (A)2 or 2 A --> A:A.  If two identical complexes are binding, the syntax is: 2 (A:B:C) <==> (A:B:C)2. Semantic reactions with two (or more) signal donors are formulated like: A & B --> C.

Examples of the syntax used in TRANSPATH for reaction names are provided below. Reaction types are divided into representative direct and indirect reactions. To access specific examples, either click to the reaction example from the table below or scroll through the list beneath the table. Details about format for species names and modified forms, or states, are provided at the respective links. Definitions for the various effects of reactions are provided here.

TRANSPATH Reaction Name Syntax

Direct Reactions Indirect Reactions
Acetylation Glycosylation Activation
ADP-ribosylation Hydrolysis Decrease in Abundance
Binding Hydroxylation DNA Binding
Cholesterol Modification Methylation Expression
Cleavage Myristoylation Increase in Abundance
Deacetylation Neddylation Increase in Binding
Degradation Nitrosylation Increase in Phosphorylation
Demethylimination Palmitoylation Transactivation
Demyristoylation Phosphorylation Transrepression
Depalmitoylation Prenylation  
Dephosphorylation Sulfation  
Deubiquitination Sumoylation  
Dissociation Ubiquitination  

Direct Reactions


General Syntax:
ProteinA + AcCoA --EnzymeA--> ProteinA{ace} + CoA

RIP140(h) + AcCoA --p300(m)--> RIP140(h){aceK446} + CoA


General Syntax:
ProteinA + NAD --EnzymeC--> ProteinA{drib} + nicotinamide

G-alpha-i-2(r):G-beta(r):EGFR(r) + NAD --> G-alpha-i-2(r){drib}:G-beta(r):EGFR(r) + nicotinamide


cyclin B1(h):Cdk1(h) + p73alpha(h) <==> cyclin B1(h):Cdk1(h):p73alpha(h)

(TGFbeta1(h))2 + 2 TGFbetaR-II(h) <==> (TGFbeta1(h))2:(TGFbetaR-II(h))2

ErbB2(r){pY1227} + CrkII(h) <==> ErbB2(r){pY1227}:CrkII(h)

Cholesterol Modification

cholesterol + SHH(h) --> Shh-C(h) + Shh-N(h){chol}
Shown here is a combined effect of cholesterol modification and protein cleavage.


General Syntax:
ProteinA --Enzyme--> ProteinA' (+ ProteinA'' + ...) (+ protein remnants)

cTnT(r) --Caspase-3(r)--> cTNTp25(r) + protein remnants
A cleavage reaction yields at least two protein fragments. With appropriate detection methods it is possible to monitor at least one of the specific cleavage products. Frequently, the amino acid sequence of the target site of the cleaving enzyme (or the cleavage site) are discussed in the paper. Products of a cleavage reaction may still be functional.


General Syntax:
ProteinA{ace} --EnzymeB--> ProteinA + acetyl


TGFbetaR-I(v.s.){ub} --> protein remnants + ubiquitin(v.s.)
Here, deubiquitination is coupled with protein degradation. A degradation yields numerous break-down products that become smaller as protein degradation progresses. Degradation of ubiquitinated proteins by proteasomes does not result in degradation of the ubiquitin, however, and the ubiquitin fragment are recycled. For an example of deubiquination without protein degradation, see below.


General Syntax:
ProteinA{metR} --PAD4--> ProteinA{cit} + methylamine
Here, methylated arginine residue is converted to citrulline.


Galpha-i-1((m.s.){myr} --enzyme--> G-alpha-i-1(m.s.) + myristoyl


H-Ras(m.s.){pal} --PPT(b)--> H-Ras(m.s.) + palmityl


General Syntax:
ProteinA{p} --EnzymeC--> ProteinA + p

Jak2(v.s.){pY1007} --SHP-2(v.s.)--> Jak2(v.s.) + p

C-Nap1(h){p} --PP1-gamma1(h):Nek2A(h)--> C-Nap1(h) + p
Here, the enzyme is in a complex.

Pyk2(r){pY402}{pY579}{pY580} --PTP-PEST(h)--> Pyk2(r) + 3p

Cdk2(h){pT160}:KAP(h) --> Cdk2(h):KAP(h) + p
Here, the enzyme is in a stable complex with the substrate and is therefore not separately linked as enzyme.


AF-6(h){ub} --Fam(m)--> AF-6(h) + ubiquitin(h)
TRAF2(m.s.){ub} --CYLD(m.s.)--> TRAF2(m.s.) + ubiquitin(m.s.)
Here, the ubiquitin molecule is removed, and the protein is otherwise unchanged. An example of ubiquitin removed coupled to protein degradation is shown above.


ROS(m):SHP-1(h) <==> ROS(m) + SHP-1(h)


Ras:GDP + GTP --NO--> Ras:GTP + GDP
Shown here is a dissociation of one molecule (GDP) and concurrent association of another molecule (GTP), catalyzed by guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs).


General Syntax:
ProteinA + 2 NDP-Gly --enzyme(transferase)--> ProteinA{gly(n)} + NMP + NDP
The general syntax for N-glycosylation and O-glycosylation is the same.

Additional General Syntax Examples:
ProteinA + 2 UDP-GlcNAc --enzyme--> ProteinA{GlcNAc(2)} + UMP + UDP
ProteinA{GlcNAc(2)} + 5 GDP-Man --enzyme--> ProteinA{GlcNAc(2)}{man(5)} + 5 GDP
ProteinA{GlcNAc(2)}{man(5)} + 4dolichol-p-Man + 3dolichol-p-Glc --enzyme--> ProteinA{GlcNAc(2)}{man(9)}{glc(3)} + 3dolichol-p + 4dolichol-p


RhoA(h):GTP --Graf2(m)--> RhoA(h):GDP + p
Shown here is an example of hydrolysis of GTP to GDP by GTPase.

PIP2 --PLCbeta3(h)--> DAG + IP3
Shown here is an example of lipid hydrolysis.


General Syntax:
ProteinA --enzyme--> ProteinA{hyd}
(direct: direct; reversible: false; effect term: hydroxylation)

HIF-1(ce) --EGL-9(ce)--> HIF-1(ce){hydP621}
Here, proline residue at position 621 has been modified by hydroxylation.


General Syntax Examples:
ProteinA + S-Adenosylmethionine --enzyme--> ProteinA{met} + S-Adenosylhomocysteine

ProteinA + S-Adenosylmethionine --enzyme--> ProteinA{metR234} + S-Adenosylhomocysteine
Shown here is an example of the format used when the authors determine the position of methylation.


G-alpha-i-1(m.s.) + myristoyl-CoA --> Galpha-i-1(m.s.){myr} + CoA
Here, information about the enzyme involved in palmitoylation has not been provided.


General Syntax:
ProteinA + Nedd8 --(E1),(E2),E3--> ProteinA{neddK}
Note that deneddylation, which removes the Nedd8 moiety, requires the isopeptidase activity of the COP9 signalosome (CSN).

Nitrosylation (S-nitrosylation)

General Syntax:
ProteinA + NO --enzyme--> ProteinA{no}

dynamin + NO --NO synthase--> dynamin{noC607}
Here, dynamin is nitrosylated at cysteine residue 607 by an enzyme, nitric oxide synthase.


Shh-N(h){chol} + palmityl-CoA --> Shh-N(h){chol}{palC1} + CoA
Here, information about the enzyme involved in palmitoylation has not been provided.


General Syntax:
ProteinA + ATP --EnzymeC--> ProteinA{p} + ADP

GATA-4(m) + ATP --ERK2(m)--> GATA-4(m){pS105} + ADP

stathmin(x) + 3ATP --Plk1(x)--> stathmin(x){pS16}{pS25}{pS39} + 3ADP
Here, three residues have been phosphorylated and thus there are three molecules of ATP and three molecules of ADP.

KIF23(h) + ATP --cyclin B1(h):Cdk1(h)--> KIF23(h){p} + ADP
Here, the enzyme is in a complex.

cyclin A(h):Cdk2(h):Cdc25A(h) + ATP --> cyclin A(h):Cdk2(h):Cdc25A(h){p} + ADP
Here, the enzyme is in a stable complex with the substrate and is therefore not separately linked as enzyme.

Prenylation (Farnesylation, Geranyl(geranyl)ation)

Rab3A(m.s.) --RabGGTase-alpha(m.s.)--> Rab3A(m.s.){pren}
Here is an example of prenylation in general. Specific examples of farnesylation, geranylation, and geranylgeranylation are provided below.

Rab7 + geranyl-PPi + NADPH --> Rab7{ger} + PPi + NADP
Here is an example of geranylation.

Rab7 + 2 geranyl-PPi + 2NADPH --> Rab7{ger(2)} + 2PPi + 2NADP
Here is an example of geranylgeranylation.

ProteinA + farnesyl-PPi + NADPH --> ProteinA{far} + PPi + NADP
And finally, an example of the general syntax for farnesylation.


General Syntax:
ProteinA + PAPS --TPST--> ProteinA{sulY} + 3',5'-ADP
In this example, PAPS is adenosine 3'-phosphate 5'-phosphosulfate, a universal sulfate donor. TPST is tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase (EC, which catalyzes the transfer of sulfate from PAPS to the hydroxyl group of a peptidyltyrosine residue, forming a tyrosine O4-sulfate ester and 3',5'-ADP.


AP-2alpha(h) + SUMO-1(h) --> AP-2alpha(h){sumo}
AP-2gamma(h) + SUMO-1(h) --> AP-2gamma(h){sumoK10}
Here, the position of sumoylation is not known, and details about the enzymes involved have not been provided in the literature. Note that it is also possible to describe binding reactions for SUMO-1 and other proteins that do not result in the covalent modification of those other proteins.


alpha-synuclein(m.s.) + ubiquitin(m.s.) --parkin(m.s.)--> alpha-synuclein(m.s.){ub}
Here, "{ub}" indicates that the protein is ubiquitinated but details about the size of ubiquitin chain have not been not provided in the literature.

alpha-synuclein(h){ub(2)} + n ubiquitin(v.s.) --UCH-L1(h)--> alpha-synuclein(h){ub(n)}
Here, "{ub(2)}" indicates that the alpha-synclein protein has two ubiquitin molecules attached.

p53(h) + n ubiquitin(v.s.) --PIRH2(v.s.)--> p53(h){ub(n)}
Mdm2(h) + n ubiquitin(v.s.) --> Mdm2(h){ub(n)}
Rad23A(mo) + n ubiquitin(v.s.) --E6-AP(h)--> Rad23A(mo){ub(n)}
Here, "{ub(n)}" indicates that the protein is polyubiquitinated, but that details about how many ubiquitin molecules are attached have not been provided in the literature.

Indirect Reactions


General Syntax:
ProteinA --> ProteinB
(direct: indirect; reversible: false; effect term: activation)
This reaction format is most often used to indicate that reporter gene assay has demonstrated that a transcription co-factor increases the activity of a transcription factor.

Decrease in Abundance

General Syntax:
ProteinA --/ ProteinB
(direct: indirect; reversible: false; effect term: decrease of abundance)
Here, the effect of ProteinA on ProteinB levels is demonstrated by a protein assay (Western blot, for example). Note that a decrease in mRNA abundance is indicated as shown below.

DNA Binding

General Syntax:
ProteinA --> GeneB
(direct: indirect; reversible: false; effect term: DNA binding)
Here, binding of ProteinA to the promoter/enhancer of GeneB has been shown by electrophoretic gel mobility-shift assay, for example. Since "DNA binding" does not imply an effect of the binding, it may be combined with transactivation or transrepression to indicate the effect.


General Syntax Examples:
GeneB --> ProteinB
GeneB --> ProteinB-xbb1
(direct: indirect; reversible: false; effect term: expression)
GeneB gives rise to ProteinB. Since expression is a multi-step process that involves both transcription and translation, expression is regarded as an indirect effect.

Increase in Abundance

General Syntax:
ProteinA --> ProteinB
(direct: indirect; reversible: false; effect term: increase of abundance)

SMAR1(m) --> p21Cip1(h)
Here, the effect of murine SMAR1 on human p21Cip1 was shown by Western blot, and the result was an increase in expression of the human protein. Note that an increase in mRNA abundance is indicated as shown below.

Increase in Binding

General Syntax:
ProteinA --> ProteinB:ProteinC

Crk(m.s.) --> p110alpha(h):H-Ras(m.s.)
Here, mammalian Crk increases the binding of human p110alpha to mammalian H-Ras.

Increase in Phosphorylation

General Syntax:
ProteinA --> ProteinB{p}

ATR(m.s.) --> WRN(m.s.){p}
Here, mammalian ATR indirectly increases the phosphorylation of mammalian WRN.


General Syntax:
ProteinA --> GeneB
(direct: indirect; reversible: false; effect term: transactivation)
Here, ProteinA positively regulates the transcription of GeneB. The activity of ProteinA is typically demonstrated using a reporter assay, and sometimes it is the case that only the GeneB promoter or enhancer sequence is used in the assay. The activity of ProteinA may also be demonstrated by its effect on mRNA produced by GeneB, using Northern blots or quantitative RT-PCR. Note that an increase in protein abundance is indicated as shown above.


General Syntax:
ProteinA --/ GeneB
(direct: indirect; reversible: false; effect term: transrepression)
Here, ProteinA negatively regulates the transcription of GeneB. As with transactivation, the activity of ProteinA is typically demonstrated using a reporter assay, and sometimes it is the case that only the GeneB promoter or enhancer sequence is used in the assay. The activity of ProteinA may also be demonstrated by its effect on mRNA produced by GeneB, using Northern blots or quantitative RT-PCR. Note that an decrease in protein abundance is indicated as shown above.

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