Property Report At A Glance


The various Reports in the BKL contain comprehensive information about genes, proteins, transcription factors, molecules, pathways...etc. In many cases, so much information has been curated for a particular Report that displaying it all would overwhelm the reader. Therefore, some of the curated information is displayed on the Reports, and the rest is easily accessed from [details] links that appear in the Properties blocks on the Reports. Clicking the [details] link opens a Property Report, which contains all curation that has been captured for a particular Property.

Anatomy of a Property Report

The general structure of a Property Report is shown below.

Property report
Evidence Codes
This block defines the evidence codes used for various Property types. Note: for BKL-Plant, TAIR evidence codes have been converted to BIOBASE evidence codes. The TAIR evidence codes of IDA, IPI, IMP, IGI, and IMP receive a BIOBASE "E" level evidence code; TAIR evidence codes TAS and NAS receive a BIOBASE "P" level evidence code; and TAIR evidence codes ISS, RCA, and IGC receive a BIOBASE "S" level evidence code.
Supporting details
This block lists all detailed information curated from the scientific literature for the particular Property category, including links to references cited for each observation.
This block gives the full citations, with titles, that correspond to the PubMed identifiers displayed. When a PubMed identifier is not available, the Medline identifier is displayed. When neither a PubMed nor Medline identifier is available, a BIOBASE-specific number is assigned preceded by a "P". Nearly all of the reference numbers are hyperlinked to the Entrez database where the abstracts may be read. All references cited in the annotations and properties section are listed, and other references known to contain information about the protein may also be listed. The first five references are shown, click [ more ...] to view all references. View abstracts via webservice, by additionally clicking the [+] which appears.

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