Introduction to TRANSFAC® Suite
TRANSFAC Suite is a collection of easily searchable databases that cover all aspects of eukaryotic gene regulation.
TRANSFAC Suite Components
Descriptions of the individual volumes in the TRANSFAC Suite are provided below. Click on the product names to directly access documentation that is specific for the individual components.
TRANSFAC TRANSFAC is database of eukaryotic transcription factors, their experimentally-determined binding sites, and their target genes. |
TRANSPRO TRANSPRO is a database of human, mouse, rat, dog, and Arabidopsis promoter sequences and their characteristics. |
TRANSCompel TRANSCompel is a database that contains information about synergistic and antagonistic composite regulatory elements. |
PathoDB PathoDB is a database that contains information about pathologically relevant, mutant forms of transcription factors and the sites they bind. |
Please note: TRANSFAC, TRANSPRO, TRANSCompel, and PathoDB are offered as a single product, TRANSFAC Suite, but are described separately because some of their features are unique to the particular database.